Our partners

They are part of our success



The KEP Technologies Group has an innovation center in Geneva, Switzerland, an area recognized for the extent and quality of research conducted.
Composed of a multidisciplinary and multicultural team, the innovation center works in partnership with the largest scientific and technological research centers.
  • Logo-ANDRA
  • Logo-CEA
  • Logo-JILANG
  • Logo-UCDAVIS


KEP Technologies, with its majority family shareholding and regular support for more than twenty years from state and private investors, ensures the durability and stability of the Group. Its long-term financial partners (banks, institutions and alternative investments) have supported the Group in its investments and growth since its creation.
  • Logo-Arkea
  • Logo-BPCE
  • Logo-BPI
  • Logo-Credit Agricole
  • Logo-Credit Mutuel
  • grenke
  • Logo-october
  • Logo-Societe Generale

Professional associations and competitive clusters


Due to the diversity of its activities, KEP Technologies is a member of several professional associations and competitive clusters, operating across diverse markets. To be part of a sector’s network of excellence enables one to develop a complete vision of the sector and have insight into it’s future developments. Knowledge that we share with our customers.

  • Logo-aeriades

    Cluster aéronautique de la région Grand Est

  • Logo-GAIN

    Geneva Aero Industry Network

  • Logo-GIFAS

    Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales

  • Logo-GIMAS

    Groupement des Industries Marocaines Aéronautiques et Spatiales

Professional AssociationsNuclear

  • logo-nuclear-valley

    Pôle de Compétitivité de l’Industrie Nucléaire

  • Groupement des Industriels Français de l’Energie Nucléaire

Professional AssociationsSecurity & Defense

  • GRPM

    Groupe Romand pour le Matériel de Défense et de Sécurité

Professional AssociationsResearch & Laboratory

  • Logo-CIFL

    Comité Interprofessionnel des Fournisseurs du laboratoire

  • Logo-ICTAC

    International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry

Professional AssociationsEnergy & environment

  • Logo-Axelera

    Pôle de compétitivité Chimie-environnement Auvergne-Rhône-Alpe

Professional AssociationsIndustry

  • Logo-FIM

    Fédération des Industries Mécaniques

  • Logo-Symop

    Organisation professionnelle des créateurs de solutions industrielles, fabricants de machines, technologies et équipements pour la production industrielle

  • Logo-UIMM

    Union des Industries et Métiers de la Métallurgie

Professional AssociationsNormalisation

  • ASTM

    American Society for Testing Material

Want to become our Partner?

Do not hesitate to contact us.
