Security & Defense
Find out how we can support you in these markets.

Design and production of metal assemblies
KEP Technologies, through its brand KEP METAL SOLUTIONS, offers its know-how for the design and production of high added value metal parts and assemblies. Our expertise allows us to meet our customers’ needs by integrating a wide range of metalworking technologies (sheet metal work, stamping, boiler making, TIG welding, laser welding, machining, complex mechanical assembly) and by applying in-depth project management.
We work with a wide variety of materials with particular expertise in hard metals such as titanium, stainless steel and inconel. We have all the necessary certifications and qualifications to guarantee our services in this sector. For the largest customers, we produce particularly critical parts and assemblies with extremely tight manufacturing tolerances: fighter aircraft tail fins, radar supports and components, fighter aircraft tow bars, missile carriers, missile covers and components, parts for optronic applications, countermeasure projectile casings, mortar launchers, control desk.

Nuclear Material Inventory
We develop measurement solutions for conducting nuclear material inventories. These inventories are legal requirements for nuclear site operators, to mitigate the risks of the diversion of nuclear materials towards hostile purposes. These solutions integrate, depending on the case, mechanical systems, automation, software, and comply with the specific constraints related to nuclear safety.

Dimensional control and machine vision
KEP technologies offers a range of solutions for the dimensional control of defense systems or their sub-assemblies. The integration of machine vision technologies also offers the possibility to control the shape, the aspect (scratches), or the marking of parts. These solutions are adapted to many control conditions (complex parts, high rates, etc.).

Characterization of energetic materials
Setaram’s material characterization solutions are used in most of the major research centers in this sector (CEA, DGA, etc.). In particular, calorimeters are essential for stability studies of powders, pyrotechnic products or explosive products to optimize ammunition storage

Conveying, automatic storage
We develop automated handling, conveying and storage systems for production lines, which are adapted to customer requirements. Our expertise enables us to offer solutions for the handling and storage of heavy, critical parts, including high bay storage.

Automated handling and storage system
Within the context of post-Fukushima measures, which consist of consolidating or replacing nuclear installations to guarantee their safety eg. in the event of an earthquake or flood, KEP Technologies Group has developed an automated system for handling containers of nuclear material. The automated system enables containers to be stored in racks at different heights while respecting rules to reduce the risk of criticality linked to storage of significant quantities of radioactive material. The KEP Technologies Group managed this complete and complex project from A to Z. It called upon the full technical skills of the group to meet all requirements: safety constraints, earthquake resistance, durability, resistance to radioactive irradiation, easy maintainability, safety redundance, easy handling by operators. The project was carried out in record time for a project of this magnitude. Within its scope the Group’s engineering teams successfully completed: Calculations of earthquake resistance, mechanical studies and design, safety studies, organizational and human factors, etc. design, electrical realization, control command, industrial computing, vision, on-site installation, commissioning, user training, maintenance and logistical support and maintenance (SLI SDF).

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